We began our second day in NYC in an attempt to conquer the subway. Our goal was simply to go up the island and get off around half way up central park. After our subway train failed to stop at the next three stops we figured out the express train does not stop along central park at all. Rather, it stops a few blocks after the top of central park.
So of course we decided to walk through the top half of the park get to the Natural History museum along the center. Central Park really is a beautiful place and Bradley loved running around all the trails. And it is HUGE! It was not a quick stroll to get to the center.
Then we FINALLY arrived at the Natural History Museum!! Of course we had to eat lunch first. THEN we went to the planetarium show. Bradley was unimpressed and began clapping so the darn thing would end. When that didn't work he buried his head in Daddy's shoulder and fell asleep. But mom and dad were SO excited for Bradley to see the dinosaurs that we didn't really try very hard to keep him asleep for very long.
A mildly grumpy Bradly found the dinosaurs really really cool. And proceeded to "rawr" at each new one.
And Brian was very excited to see the monkey exhibit. We kept trying to pick out which monkey was the "trouble maker monkey" in the "Night at the Museum" movie. (This museum is supposed to be THE ONE in the movie.)
Mom was way more excited about the largest asteroid in the world rather than stinky monkeys. Bradley really really wasn't excited about the largest asteroid in the world. He snuggled his new dinosaur and calmly strolled around with us till...
Mom found the beautiful rock room. And then Brian let Bradley run around for the next 30 minutes while I looked at all the pretty rocks. Best room in the whole museum.
On our walk through the rest of Central Park Bradley finally fell asleep. Too little too late. Brad proved to us that it is very foolish not to let a sleepy baby sleep. My attempt to put him down later that night was a complete failure and he finally ended up falling asleep in his fave place in the world- between mommy and daddy.
Lesson learned. Don't take the express subway train, and let sleepy babies sleep.
Future lessons learned:
*Sigh* the subway still sucks
Pizza is best when you stand in line
Jackson Pollock ROCKS
Never ending candy rooms really do exist.
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