Friday, September 12, 2008


Our ward moved to another building last week, so the Relief Society was forced to clean out their closets (we shared the building with one other ward so they took advantage of all the extra space and things sorta piled up over the years). The RS president, Sally Tracy- whom I loved even before I met her because she has two first names, decided that "If it isn't blessing the lives of the sisters by being in this closet, it is out!" So among some other surprises, they found two working sewing machines, and they gave me one of them! The idea, of course, is that when I get another one or don't need it any more that I will pass it onto another sister.
So for weeks I've been planning everything I could sew as soon as I got the machine. After our Friday hike (I'm in charge of the hiking group for my ward, and we go every friday to Kennesaw Mtn), Sally gave me the machine and I raced home to use it. I opened it up... turned it on... and realized that I have no idea how to use a sewing machine. Well not no no idea, I just don't really know. But after an hour or so I figured out how to use the different stitches and go forward and backwards, and re-thread the different parts.
Then I tried to make something. I made a box, without a top or a bottom. Weird I know. But the idea was stuck in my head so I made it so the idea would go away. I don't know if that happens to other people, but sometimes I just have to make an idea, no matter how dumb it is, in order to make it go away. Then I tried "free-styling" by drawing a pattern on the back and following the line to make something on the front. You can see my efforts below. Super awesome I know.
The other pics are of Portland with her new sqeaky toy, and hiking on Kennesaw Mtn. Portland and I go two to four times a week and alternate the full 1.2 miles up the mtn, and some other short circle at the base. I can't take her with other people yet because she would rather play with the other people than walk in a semi straight line.

One up one down.... Still.

Bat ears! She also does Yoda ears.

People kept walking through this area, so she would only sit for a few seconds before deciding to say hi to someone. I didn't have the guts to get another shot, I was pretty sure I looked lame trying to take a pic of my dog in front of a cannon.

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Heidi Ence said...

Haha! I love that. You little doggy mommy trying to get a picture of your puppy in front of the cannon. I love it! That is awesome about the sewing machine. But I think it is so cool you go on hikes with your ward and stuff. I'm jealous.

Usandthings said...

Sewing machines are tricky, you have to re-figure out how to sew with every new machine. Good luck and have fun. I am also jealous that you have a hiking group in your ward, that sounds like fun.

Julie said...

I am so glad I'm not the only one having adventures with sewing. So I recently made a minky blanket, harder than I thought it was going to be but it turned out cute.